Mert Senel

Mert Senel

Principal Cloud DevOps Engineer - Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect, Azure Administrator & DevOps Expert

Mert Senel’s Personal Tech Blog

Hi, and welcome to my personal blog. My name is Mert and I’m a Cloud DevOps Engineer.

I love everything related to Cloud and DevOps and in this blog I will be sharing my thoughts and experiences.

To learn more about me please visit About Mert

Recent Posts

Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 5

This installment focuses on automating file operations, mastering zip archiving techniques, and implementing robust error handling and logging mechanisms with PowerShell.

Why Allowing Engineers to 'Fail Safely' Is Crucial for High-Quality Software Development

In an era where technology rapidly evolves, the old saying ‘fail fast, fail often’ has never been more relevant. However, the cost of failure in complex systems can be too high, stifling innovation and agility. This article delves into the concept of ‘failing safely,’ outlining practical strategies for creating an engineering culture where failure becomes a stepping stone for innovation, without risking system integrity. Learn how to set up ‘Safe Failure Zones’ that allow engineers to experiment freely, foster continuous improvement, and ultimately drive high-quality software development.

Stages of Platform Engineering and State of DevOps

Assess the DevOps maturity of your organisation in terms of Platform Engineering and see what should be your next horizon

SSL Certificate Expiry Tracker

Open Source DevOps Automation Solution to Track Your SSL Certificate Expiry Dates via CI/CD Pipelines

Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 4

On this part, I will be using the PowerShell String Operators Match and Split, Array Indexing and Regular Expressions to find if a particular Git Reference is coming from a particular branch and has valid SemVer version



SSL Certificate Expiry Checker

Track Your SSL Certificate Expiry Dates via CI/CD Pipelines

Azure Multi Region Scalable Web Architecture

Azure Festive Tech Hackathon Deployment Automation 2020 Submission Submission for Day3 Deployment Automation Challenge

Azure Usage and Cost Tracker

Sample Azure Native Serverless Cloud Solution, Usage and Cost tracker using Azure Durable Functions(Powershell), Azure Storage, Sendgrid(Email)

Microservices Lab on Azure Kubernetes Service

AKS Lab with Microservices Architectured Online E-Commerce Application Workload and Observability Tooling Automated Deployment

Azure Architecture Scenario: Protect an Azure App Service with a Cloud Hosted WAF (DNS Based)

A sample architecture that shows how to restrict access to an Azure App Service from a Cloud WAF provider’s IP Ranges

Infrastructure as Code CI/CD ARM Template Azure DataBricks Sample

Infrastructure as Code Showcase Project using ARM Templates and CI/CD for Azure Databricks

Infrastructure as Code CI/CD Terraform Azure App Services & Insights Sample

Infrastructure as Code Showcase Project using Terraform and CI/CD for Azure AppServices with Application Insights Application Performance Monitoring