
Azure Multi Region Scalable Web Architecture

Azure Festive Tech Hackathon Deployment Automation 2020 Submission Submission for Day3 Deployment Automation Challenge

Azure Usage and Cost Tracker

Sample Azure Native Serverless Cloud Solution, Usage and Cost tracker using Azure Durable Functions(Powershell), Azure Storage, Sendgrid(Email)

Azure Architecture Scenario: Protect an Azure App Service with a Cloud Hosted WAF (DNS Based)

A sample architecture that shows how to restrict access to an Azure App Service from a Cloud WAF provider's IP Ranges

Azure ARM Template Development - Validate with WhatIf

Hi, I’m back with yet another script I would like to introduce and pretty much document for my and other’s future reference. Today’s script is named “Deploy-AzARMTemplate.ps1” and it’s geared towards one-click deploys from your local development environment to pre-configured cloud dev/test environment.

A Comprehensive List of Tips for Saving Money on your Microsoft Azure Costs in 2020

Recommendations from an eye of a DevOps Engineer for organizations on how to apply some technical and cultural practices to reduces costs on Azure