Azure Usage and Cost Tracker
Sample Azure Native Serverless Cloud Solution, Usage and Cost tracker using Azure Durable Functions(Powershell), Azure Storage, Sendgrid(Email)

Azure Native Usage & Cost Tracking
Azure Portal Dashboard:
A Dashboard that You can Extend & Customize
Sample Daily Email Report:
Get a glance of your last 7 days - Daily! not much later.
Detect Cost Spikes Sooner
Powered by Serverless Azure Durable Functions for PowerShell
Fully Powered by Azure Native Technologies
Better Blob Exports (both JSON & CSV) formats
Blobs are placed in logical YYYY/MM/ path structure with Day.ext format file names, easy to locate and run further ETLs.
Azure Storage Table for Long Term Retention
Records will also be stored in a storage table for curating Daily Reports that covers last 7 days. In order to not hit limits of Azure Billing API, I only extract 1 or 2 days worth of data at a time and use table for retro lookups.
Your Data Your Rules, Logs are also Pushed to a Log Analytics Workspace
This is the data backend for the Azure Portal Dashboard Charts. However, once your logs are here possibilities are endless.
You can create Azure Workbooks, Azure Monitor Alerts or just run your custom queries to deep dive into your Azure usage data.
Project Naming Legend
Project Details
Project Name: Mert Senel Tech Azure Usage Export
Project ShortCode: mstaue
Environments | Code |
Development | dev |
Test | tst |
Staging | stg |
Production | prd |
Azure Resources | Code |
Function App | fnc |
Storage Account | str |
Application Insights | ais |
Log Analytics Workspace | oms |
Azure Portal Dashboard | dsh |
Azure Sendgrid | sgd |
Project Resources | Name |
App Service Plan (Consumption/Serverless) | {projCode}{env}asp |
Function App | {projCode}{env}fnc |
Function App Storage | {projCode}{env}fncstr |
Azure Usage Exports Storage | {projCode}{env}str |
Application Insights | {projCode}{env}ais |
Log Analytics Workspace | {projCode}{env}oms |
Azure Usage & Cost Monitoring Dashboard | {projCode}{env}dsh |
Azure Sendgrid | {projCode}{env}sgd |
Resources Generated Example: