
Microservices Lab on Azure Kubernetes Service

AKS Lab with Microservices Architectured Online E-Commerce Application Workload and Observability Tooling Automated Deployment

Azure Architecture Scenario: Protect an Azure App Service with a Cloud Hosted WAF (DNS Based)

A sample architecture that shows how to restrict access to an Azure App Service from a Cloud WAF provider's IP Ranges

DevOps - How to Even Begin?

Nowadays, we see more of newcomers coming into the DevOps field outside of traditional SysAdmin / Infrastructure Engineering roles. You can transition into a DevOps role even if you are not coming from a Systems & Networks background. If you want to become "DevOps" what do you need to know?What are you missing and What do you already have that you can bring to the table?

A Comprehensive List of Tips for Saving Money on your Microsoft Azure Costs in 2020

Recommendations from an eye of a DevOps Engineer for organizations on how to apply some technical and cultural practices to reduces costs on Azure

Infrastructure as Code CI/CD ARM Template Azure DataBricks Sample

Infrastructure as Code Showcase Project using ARM Templates and CI/CD for Azure Databricks

Infrastructure as Code CI/CD Terraform Azure App Services & Insights Sample

Infrastructure as Code Showcase Project using Terraform and CI/CD for Azure AppServices with Application Insights Application Performance Monitoring