
Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 5

This installment focuses on automating file operations, mastering zip archiving techniques, and implementing robust error handling and logging mechanisms with PowerShell.

Stages of Platform Engineering and State of DevOps

Assess the DevOps maturity of your organisation in terms of Platform Engineering and see what should be your next horizon

SSL Certificate Expiry Checker

Track Your SSL Certificate Expiry Dates via CI/CD Pipelines

SSL Certificate Expiry Tracker

Open Source DevOps Automation Solution to Track Your SSL Certificate Expiry Dates via CI/CD Pipelines

Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 4

On this part, I will be using the PowerShell String Operators Match and Split, Array Indexing and Regular Expressions to find if a particular Git Reference is coming from a particular branch and has valid SemVer version

Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 3

On this part, I will be converting our ForEach-Object loop to run in parallel for faster results

Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 2

On this part, I will be extending the monitoring script we wrote on Part-1, with a polling while loop

Practical PowerShell Scripting for DevOps - Part 1

Practical Scripting Challenges and Solutions for DevOps with PowerShell

Azure Multi Region Scalable Web Architecture

Azure Festive Tech Hackathon Deployment Automation 2020 Submission Submission for Day3 Deployment Automation Challenge

Azure Usage and Cost Tracker

Sample Azure Native Serverless Cloud Solution, Usage and Cost tracker using Azure Durable Functions(Powershell), Azure Storage, Sendgrid(Email)