
Azure ARM Template Development - Validate with WhatIf

Hi, I’m back with yet another script I would like to introduce and pretty much document for my and other’s future reference. Today’s script is named “Deploy-AzARMTemplate.ps1” and it’s geared towards one-click deploys from your local development environment to pre-configured cloud dev/test environment.

DevOps - How to Even Begin?

Nowadays, we see more of newcomers coming into the DevOps field outside of traditional SysAdmin / Infrastructure Engineering roles. You can transition into a DevOps role even if you are not coming from a Systems & Networks background. If you want to become “DevOps” what do you need to know?What are you missing and What do you already have that you can bring to the table?

A Comprehensive List of Tips for Saving Money on your Microsoft Azure Costs in 2020

Recommendations from an eye of a DevOps Engineer for organizations on how to apply some technical and cultural practices to reduces costs on Azure

How to Pass Multiple Arguments to a CLI tool with PowerShell

Hi, if you ever worked with a CLI tool you probably know that almost all of them comes with a method for initial configuration, that allows you to save your default settings and also your credentials.

My PowerShell SwissKnife

Hi my name is Mert I’m a Cloud DevOps Engineer and in this post, I would like to talk about my PowerShell Swissknife functions(I’d like to call them) and how do I use them to make my life easier for my every day tasks.